The story begins...
It all started during EuroXPRO 2006 conference in Prague, we met first forign Serbian , Dan Miljevic, originaly from UK, living in China, with Serbian blood and stamina when it comes to drinks :-)
We accepted him in our big family, and made him feel as a real Serb. This was the breaking point, the point where we realized, that no mather what colour of skin you have, or what language do you speak, or what is the citizenship you have in the end everyone of us is a little bit of only need to find that vibe in yourself, and enjoy the ride!
Srba was the first one...then came Nikola from Spain, Bole from Norway, Pera from Turkey, Marinko from Poland, Zika from Slovakia, Milojica from Italy, Indira from Lithuania...
IC 2006 came...Nikola was there, Bole, Pera, Marinko, Zika, Milojica and Indira also...then our family got bigger!
This blog is dedicated to them and all of you Serbs, all over the your adventures...your expirience being a Serb...and stay in touch!
Vidimo se!
Nice initiative!
Let there be rock :))
Serbian Commune of Brussels salutes you!
Ziveli. Bravo!
12:46 PM
Iyi Aksamlar from Metropolitan Serbian Municipality of Istanbul!
2:03 PM
ha ha ha, just found the blog...
3:31 PM
This blog is great! Just found it.....half serbian, a quarter turksish a quarter albanian living in switzerland, love this blog..:-)
9:59 AM
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